Smart Age Calc
Calculate your perfect age in years, months and days.
Finding difficult to calculate your exact age in years, months and days from your date of birth? Use this amazing Age Calculator app to calculate your exact age in years, months and days and even seconds using your date of birth.
Age Calculator App Features:
1 ) Calculator :
- Calculate your perfect age in years, months and days.
- You can find out how many Month and days to go for your next birthday.
- Share your age with your friends, family etc.
- Calculate date difference in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds by date calculator
- Easily find out how many Month and days remaining for your next birthday.
Total Years: Total years that you have lived for
Total Months: Total months that you have spent on this planet
Total Weeks: Total weeks that you have seen
Total Days: Total days that you have lived
Total Hours: Total hours that you have completed on Earth
Total Minutes: Total minutes that you have seen
Total Seconds: Total seconds that you have lived for since birth
2) Date Format :
- Easily customise date format you like.
- Multiple date format like.
- dd-mm-yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
- yyyy-mm-dd
3) History :
- Manage history of calculated birthday futures reference.
- Delete birthday history
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